This page is a collection of resources I’m collecting to get started on my own research. I'm putting it here to keep track of things, but also to help others. It’s a work in progress and needs to be refined, but for the time being - it is what it is.

Doing research:

Identifying your research question

Online lectures/courses/tutorials:

Citizen science projects:

Keeping current - libraries and tools:

Data analysis & Python packages:

  • Anaconda // Most popular data science platform

  • GitHub // Hosting & sharing code

  • Jupyter Notebook // Quick python analysis

  • Packages:

    • Numpy (fundamental package for scientific computing with Python)

    • Astropy (core package for astronomy using the Python)

    • Pandas (data analysis and manipulation tool)

    • SciPy (algorithms for scientific computing in Python)

    • Tangos (system for building and querying databases summarizing the results of numerical galaxy simulations)

    • Matplotlib (library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python)

    • pNBody

  • EAGLE project // Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments simulation

  • Renaissance simulation // Simulations of galaxy formation in the early Universe Video

  • Romulus simulation // High resolution cosmological simulations with improved supermassive black hole physics

  • Zoobot // Machine learning model to classify galaxy images

  • STSci Notebooks

  • JWST Documentation for research

Publishing and presenting your research:

Potential graduate programs:

Fun games:

Non-related but interesting: