This page is a collection of resources I’m collecting to get started on my own research. I'm putting it here to keep track of things, but also to help others. It’s a work in progress and needs to be refined, but for the time being - it is what it is.
Doing research:
Identifying your research question
Online lectures/courses/tutorials:
Galaxy Formation // Lectures given at Post-Planck Cosmology, Ecole de Physique des Houches // Paper in arXiv
Python for Astronomers // EXCELLENT tutorials
Python tutorials for computational simulations (more physics related)
Theoretical Minimum // Lecture series of Stanford Continuing Studies courses by Leonard Susskind
Perimeter Institute Bridge Program // PSI Online Grad Courses // Recorded Seminar Archives // PI SciTalks
SpaceBook // General information
HyperPhysics // Quick physics explanations
Open University // Learn how to use a telescope
w3schools for learning how to code
Citizen science projects:
Keeping current - libraries and tools:
Zotero // reference management software to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research
Library Genesis // Free textooks
Connected Papers // Finding influential and highly cited publications
Galaxy Formation Theory Benson 2010
Data analysis & Python packages:
Anaconda // Most popular data science platform
GitHub // Hosting & sharing code
Jupyter Notebook // Quick python analysis
Numpy (fundamental package for scientific computing with Python)
Astropy (core package for astronomy using the Python)
Pandas (data analysis and manipulation tool)
SciPy (algorithms for scientific computing in Python)
Tangos (system for building and querying databases summarizing the results of numerical galaxy simulations)
Matplotlib (library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python)
EAGLE project // Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments simulation
Renaissance simulation // Simulations of galaxy formation in the early Universe Video
Romulus simulation // High resolution cosmological simulations with improved supermassive black hole physics
Zoobot // Machine learning model to classify galaxy images
STSci Notebooks
JWST Documentation for research
Publishing and presenting your research:
Overleaf // Online Latex text editor
Effective scientific presentation pdf
Potential graduate programs:
UVic Galaxy Formation
Liverpool John Moores Computational and Theoretical Galaxy Formation
Open University
Fun games:
Roman Space Observer Game at NASA
Non-related but interesting: