Remember all that left over chocolate from Easter that we froze? Well, I just found a new use for it; gotta use it all up right?
We have a newborn at home, and I really wanted to go camping this year, like, really really. But, um, I don't particularly think it's a good idea to sleep outdoors at 15 Celsius with a 1 month old. So, I had to find a way to bring camping to us!
(That's the sound of the light bulb that went off in my head) Backyard camping!!! We can enjoy the same things, and go to sleep indoors when it gets too cold. I know what you're thinking: "But it's not really camping without s'mores!" My answer: "S'mores on a stick; problem solved." I'm so proud of myself right now.
“Have you ever camped in your backyard? What kind of activities would you do to make it just like real camping?”
By the way, this is my first official try at food styling (or creating a mess, whatever you want to call it), what do you think? Win or lose?
Mini marshmallows
Graham cookie crumbs
1. Melt the chocolate. If you use the microwave, make sure you do it in small intervals. Heat for a few seconds, take it out, stir, repeat until melted. If you try to melt it all in one go it might burn.
2. Put the mini marshmallows on toothpicks.
3. Dip the mini marshmallows in the melted chocolate then in the graham cookie crumbs.
4. Leave out to dry and enjoy!
These little s'mores are such a tease, seriously, they just leave you wanting more (I haven't decided if that's good or bad yet...). Oh, and I may or may not have eaten all of the leftover chocolate as a fondue.